segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2021

NIST Privacy Framework


****** CURSO EM INGLÊS ******

This course is on the frameworks approach and structure, implementing privacy risk management into enterprises of various sizes and comparing the NIST Privacy Framework to other privacy frameworks to determine whether it’s right for an organization.

Course Content
Module 1: Overview of the NIST Privacy Framework
12m Introduction to the NIST Privacy Framework
7m Why a Privacy Framework?
5m Breakdown of the NIST Privacy Framework
Module 2: NIST Privacy Framework Core: Identify
15m 2.1Inventory Mapping
5m 2.2Business Environment
8m 2.3Risk Assessment
5m 2.4Data Processing Ecosystem Risk Management
Module 3: NIST Privacy Framework Core: Govern
7m 3.1Governance Policies, Processes & Procedures
7m 3.2Risk Management Strategy
4m 3.3Awareness and Training
9m 3.4Monitoring and Review
Module 4: NIST Privacy Framework Core: Control
9m 4.1Data Processing Policies, Processes & Procedures
5m 4.2Data Processing Management
5m 4.3Disassociated Processing
Module 5: NIST Privacy Framework Core: Communicate
8m 5.1Communication Policies, Processes & Procedures
11m 5.2Data Processing Awareness
Module 6: NIST Privacy Framework Core: Protect
10m 6.1Data Protection Policies, Processes & Procedures
7m 6.2Identity Management, Authentication and Access Control
7m 6.3Data Security
5m 6.4Maintenance
10m 6.5Protective Technology
Module 7: NIST Privacy Framework Profiles
5m 7.1Profiles
6m 7.2Industry Specific Profiles
Module 8: NIST Privacy Framework Implementation Tiers
8m 8.1Implementation Tiers
Module 9: How to Adopt NIST Privacy Framework
8m 9.1Ready, Set, Go
9m 9.2Hypothetical Use Case #1
8m 9.3Hypothetical Use Case #2
Module 10: Privacy Framework Comparisons
4m 10.1Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPP)
8m 10.2ISO 27701 and ISO 29100
7m 10.3Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP)
8m 10.4Secure Controls Framework Privacy Management Principles7m 10.3Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP)
8m 10.4Secure Controls Framework Privacy Management Principles

Tamanho: 1.20GB

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